Teaching Triangles

Building connections to enrich teaching & learning

The Teaching Triangles Program is designed to enrich teaching and build community through a structured, non-threatening process of classroom observations and shared reflections. This is not an evaluation.

Triangles icon

About the Program

The Teaching Triangles Program is designed to enrich teaching and build community through a structured, non-threatening process of classroom observations and shared reflections. This is not an evaluation.

A Teaching Triangle is a group of three faculty from different disciplines who:

  • engage in reciprocal classroom or online visits
  • share teaching material
  • reflect on classroom or online teaching activities
  • chat with colleagues at a lunch meeting

Teaching Triangles are designed to create a safe, mutually-supportive, energizing environment for sharing the joys and challenges of teaching.

The cornerstones are:

  • Appreciation of quality teaching skills in ourselves and our colleagues
  • Self-referential reflection to acknowledge and improve our own teaching methods and techniques
  • Mutual respect of our colleagues and our students in a variety of classroom settings

Program Highlights

  • This program captures the best aspects of peer evaluation — observation and discussion — while eliminating the elements of judgment and evaluation.
  • Participation in Teaching Triangles is a way to learn from and with colleagues.
  • This project involves approximately 5 hours of your time in one semester.


By participating in Teaching Triangle you will have an opportunity to: observe, analyze, & celebrate good teaching

  • Increase your understanding of and appreciation for the work of colleagues
  • Formulate a plan for enhancing your own teaching based on your observations and the shared reflections of your Square Partners