A workshop on Yumekaki, an educational project from Japan, is scheduled for Friday on the UH West Oʻahu campus with manga (Japanese cartoons) artists June and Rie Matsuda.
Yumekaki Education has reached more than 10,000 students in Japan, helping children, community members, and seniors nationwide to express their own likeness and release children’s mind inside themselves, and regain their own way of living. Yumekaki Education” promotes itself as a technique of “visualization × communication” using illustration.
The Yumekaki workshop will be led by manga (Japanese cartoons) artists Jun and Rie Matsuda from Japan. Students will learn manga drawing tips, zen mindfulness, learning to express one’s emotions through illustrations, and noticing the themes of one’s life.
The workshop is scheduled for noon to 4 p.m. Friday in D-150. To apply, contact Dr. Jayson Chun (jmchun@hawaii.edu) by Thursday, Feb. 21.. The event is sponsored by: the Asian Studies Certificate and by the Academy for Creative Media.