See your design worn by classmates – enter the ‘West is Best’ contest

Mandy Quitog models her winning design

Mandy Quitog was the winner of the 2017 ‘West is Best’ competition

The competition is on to find the next “West is Best” T-shirt design that will be printed and sold by the UH West Oʻahu bookstore.

The bookstore is inviting entries from individual UH West Oʻahu students or student teams for the contest, which determines the 2018 West is Best T-shirt design.  

The winning student or team of students earn bragging rights, a $100 gift card, and a T-Shirt emblazoned with the design. Runners-up will receive a UH West Oʻahu prize pack and a 2018 West is Best T-shirt. Last year’s contest was won by Mandy Quitog, an Academy of Creative Media student whose freehand design took the contest.

The fifth annual West is Best contest allows students to submit as many entries as they like and requires the designs include the phrase “West is Best” and name “University of Hawaiʻi West Oʻahu.” The designs should fit in an area measuring 17-inches wide by 20-inches high and also express what makes the campus “the best.” The official contest rules are located here.

Designers have until 11:59 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 3, to turn in their entries to The first round of judging by a panel of student employees, administrators, faculty and staff will take place Monday, Nov. 5, to Thursday, Nov. 8. Designs that make it to the second round of judging will be posted online, where the winner will be determined through public voting.

A winner will be announced the week of Nov. 26, sometime after which the designs will be printed and sold at the bookstore.


Image courtesy of UHWO Staff