UH West Oʻahu Brown Bag Series hosting three events this fall

Brown bag event

A 2015 Brown Bag lecture event at the ʻUluʻulu Archive.

UHWO’s Brown Bag Series, sponsored by the Center for Professional Development, will host three events this Fall, on Sept. 26, Oct. 26, and Nov. 18, all from noon – 1 p.m. in B217 (library).

The series is designed for faculty and specialists across disciplines to share their research with each other and with students.

Monday, September 26
David Kupferman, Assistant Professor of Education
“Toy Gory, or The Ontology of Chucky:
Speculative Realism, Childhood, and Killer Dolls”

This paper considers the ways in which childhood is produced as an unnamable, untheorizable monstrosity as portrayed by the use of killer dolls in popular film and television. Looking at three examples – the films Child’s Play and Poltergeist, as well as an episode of the HBO series Tales from the Crypt – this paper argues that the deployment of childhood as/and horror in fact creates a space in which to examine the positive ontologies of speculative realism, which run counter to a Kantian perception of the world that does not and cannot exist without human reason. In seeking a “world-without-us,” this inquiry into killer dolls seeks to think the unthinkable, and in so doing contemplate new, pre-critical effects of what it means to construct childhood as horrific.

Wednesday, October 26
Gloria Niles, Assistant Professor of Education
“Pecha Kucha: Multimedia Alternative to Term Papers for Digital Natives”

Research-led assignments often include a presentation component as a component of the summative assessment. In this session, participants will learn the background and parameters of the Pecha Kucha style for presentations. This knowledge will then be applied to understand how the Pecha Kucha format can be used to scaffold research-led projects in undergraduate coursework.

Friday, November 18
UHWO ECHS Program Consortium
“The UHWO Early College High School Program: Who, What, When, Where and Why?”

You may have heard the acronym “ECHS” as gentle murmurs or quiet talking points in conversations taking place within the hallowed walls of our fine institution.  You may have even been asked to teach a dual credit class to high school students.  But what exactly is the University of Hawai`i, West O`ahu Early College High School Program?  In this Brown Bag presentation, staff from the UHWO ECHS Program will discuss their work in increasing college and career readiness in the indigent communities of the Leeward Coast.


Image courtesy of Brian Miyamoto