Know a faculty member who demonstrates excellent use of technology in the online or hybrid classroom? Nominate him or her for the UH West Oʻahu Outstanding Teaching Laulima Innovation Award by March 28. The award winner will receive a monetary prize, a certificate of accomplishment, and have the opportunity to present the course during a brown bag lunch session sponsored by the UH West Oʻahu Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence.
UH West Oʻahu faculty, staff, and students may nominate an instructor via a (250-word minimum) written statement explaining why and how the course makes excellent use of technology. Faculty may self-nominate. The deadline to apply is March 28, 2016 by 4:30 p.m. Submit the nomination statement to mironesco@hawaii.edu. For more information, view the Outstanding Teaching Laulima Innovation Award nomination process, criteria for selection, nomination form and information online.
Related article:
Dr. Peiyong “Patricia” Yu wins 2015 Laulima Innovation Award