QR Codes link to learning

QR Photo by Mitya Inanov on Unsplash

Quick response (QR) codes can be added to teaching materials and social media posts to direct readers to additional resources and communication forms. Current cellphones have a built-in QR code reader in the camera, which eliminates the need for a separate app. Given that many students are reliant on their cellphones as go-to devices for learning, using QR codes to provide access to course content can be a good fit. This Educause article, 8 Ways to Use QR Codes in Higher Education Classrooms, offers creative ways to employ QR codes in online materials as well as in-class activities. 

To generate QR codes, go to go.hawaii.edu to create both a shortened URL link and a QR code in one step. Shortened URLs and QR Codes do not expire, but can be deleted through the site interface when they are no longer needed. Additionally, you’ll find a stats link that provides activity data for each code or link generated. 

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