Guard against search engine phishing with an ad blocker

hacker in hoodie

The FBI has recently urged internet users to install ad blockers on their browsers to block ads that impersonate brands and lure users to mock websites. The public service announcement offers tips to protect against search engine phishing, which can include top-ranked search results that look legitimate, but direct users to a hacker’s website where sensitive data can be collected. 

As these tactics become increasingly prevalent and sophisticated, more individuals—and networks—are at risk of attack. When selecting from web search results, always confirm that a site’s URL is authentic before clicking through to the domain. And when in doubt, don’t download.

An ad-blocking browser extension provides additional protection. In Chrome, the extension uBlock Origin, available in the Chrome Web Store, removes ad clutter and keeps count of its purging activity. In Firefox, go to Add-ons and Themes (Ctrl + Shift + A) to find uBlock Origin

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