Flip to Padlet

Female college student is pictured in monitor while recording video post.

Flip, a video discussions tool better known as Flipgrid, will soon be integrated into Microsoft Teams for Education. The current Flip website and app will be view-only after July 1. Existing content can be downloaded until September 30. What next? 

Padlet, a virtual post board that can host video-based discussions, may be a good alternative. Padlet now has a Home tab that includes links to new features including auto-captioning for video uploads. Migrate your content with Padlet’s Flip Importer, and watch this Padlet help video, Using Padlet for video discussions

Padlet users at the free-account level are limited to 3 active boards. Inactive boards can be archived and reused as needed. For more, read Flip Is Finished. Where Do We Go From Here?

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