Tip of the Week

Each week, ODEL provides interesting and helpful posts on educational technology and online education.

Week of 09/16/2024

It’s not too early to dig into a Lamakū sandbox to explore new LMS features and build content. Once you’ve opened a Lamakū account, you will be auto-enrolled in Lamakū Instructor Essentials, a self-guided course. UH instructional designers (IDs) developed a ...

Week of 09/09/2024

The pace of technological change has been whiplash fast as of late. AI entered the educational scene, calling for a new set of skills including revamped assessment strategies. Laulima will soon give way to Lamakū, an LMS with an easy-build content structure. UH ...

Week of 09/03/2024

UH offers many opportunities to get to know Lamakū this fall. For those interested in weekly demos of key LMS tools followed by time to explore your sandbox, there is the Lamakū Discovery Series. The Tuesday sessions start at 1 p.m. and follow the flow of building ...

Week of 08/26/2024

Are you ready to “moose around” with Lamakū (aka Brightspace)? No need to wait for Spring 2025 when UH West Oʻahu begins piloting our new learning management system (LMS). Get to know the new LMS tools in your Lamakū sandbox with the Higher Education ...

Week of 08/19/2024

Culturally relevant course content is engaging to students and can help build social bonds in the classroom. During Mahina ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi (Hawaiian Language Month) ODEL invited Kumu Hema, a UH West Oʻahu graduate and Hawaiian immersion teacher, to present the ...

Week of 08/05/2024

Google apps like Docs and Slides have a good selection of typefaces within the font menu. For some, these fonts ranging from Arial to Verdana are sufficient. However, other document designers will be interested to know that Google has more available, including ...

Week of 07/29/2024

Earlier this month, D2L, parent company of Brightspace (aka Lamakū), announced the purchase of H5P Group at the annual Fusion conference, D2L all in on H5P. H5P is a plugin tool to produce and play interactive learning content within an LMS, a Pressbook, or ...

Week of 07/22/2024

UH faculty and staff are encouraged to explore our new Learning Management System (LMS), Lamakū, powered by D2L Brightspace. In the sandbox environment, you can get familiar with the Lamakū user interface and practice building content. Content built in a ...

Week of 07/15/2024

UH West Oʻahu faculty and staff have access to two feature-packed TechSmith products for creating screen-capture videos, GIFs, annotated images, and more: Camtasia and Snagit. Camtasia 2024 boasts big improvements to video captioning with AI-driven ...

Week of 07/08/2024

Camtasia 2023 offers an easy-to-use production path called Rev. This AI-assisted workflow can customize your video’s look and feel with a few clicks. Select your preferred picture-in-picture position and sizing, background radiant colors (consider UH West ...