Social Sciences

Learning Outcomes
To assure educational quality and curricular coherence, UH West O‘ahu has identified learning outcomes appropriate for Social Sciences students. Students at UH West O‘ahu are expected to apply certain knowledge and skills towards mastering material in an academic major and concentration. These skills are listed in a set of Degree and Concentration Learning Outcomes.
Degree Learning Outcomes
Graduates with a major in Social Sciences (SSCI) from UH
West O‘ahu will be able to:
- DLO1 – Clear and effective writing using the conventions
of a particular Social Science discipline. - DLO2 – Knowledge of philosophical or cultural issues
associated with different Social Sciences. - DLO3 – Knowledge of how quantitative or qualitative data
are used in the Social Sciences. - DLO4 – Knowledge of the methods associated with a
Social Science discipline. - DLO5 – Critical thinking about the knowledge, theories,
literature or methods of a Social Sciences discipline.
The certificate in Applied Forensic Anthropology (AFAN) will give students a solid foundation in forensic anthropology and a good introduction to the wider field of forensic science. This certificate may be earned alone or in conjunction with a Bachelor’s degree. Degrees that are especially relevant are a Bachelor of Arts in the Social Sciences with a concentration in Anthropology or a Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration with a concentration in Justice Administration. When combined with relevant degrees, the certificate in AFAN will make students more competitive for a variety of job opportunities and advanced education in forensic anthropology, the wider field of forensic science, and other related fields.
This program is a collaboration between Leeward Community College and the UH West O‘ahu. A total of 29-30 credits are required. Students are welcomed and encouraged to enroll concurrently in classes at both campuses.
The certificate in Substance Abuse and Addictions Studies (SAAS) is primarily an online, internet-based program designed to help students meet the State education requirements for certification as substance abuse counselors and to provide continuing education opportunities for professionals in the addictions field. All courses are offered as internet courses. Although not required for certification, students are strongly encouraged to concurrently complete the Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Sciences with a concentration in Psychology.