Welcome to ODEL

The Office of Distance Education & Learning provides quality learning experiences through distance education courses​

About the Office of Distance Education & Learning

The Office of Distance Education & Learning was established to support the growing needs of students, faculty, and staff involved with online and hybrid courses.

We employ research-based pedagogical practices to foster student success in distance education programs. By supporting faculty in developing engaging online materials, we help ensure that our students experience quality learning in their online courses.

Some of the services we provide:

  • Distance Learning compliance modules (required for University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu online instructors) 
  • Distance Learning course template 
  • Laulima tools support 
  • Educational technology assistance
  • Instructional design consultations 
  • Online workshops aligned with Open SUNY Course Quality Review (OSCQR)
  • OSCQR course review

Our office provides several options for students and faculty seeking support including our UHWO ID Request Form, daily office hours, online tutorials and workshops.

ODEL Staff


David L. San Jose

Director of Distance Education

(808) 689-2489

Char Hopela

Char Hopela

Instructional Designer

(808) 689-2769

Anuhea Piliere

Anuhea Piliere

Academic Support Specialist

(808) 245-8374

Ashley Boss

Ashley Boss

Educational Specialist, DigiTel Coordinator

(808) 689-2768

Louise Funai

Louise Funai

Project Admin Support

(808) 689-2763

NC Sara Seal

Distance Learning degree programs offer the upper-division or “concentration” portions of select degree programs. Lower-division degree requirements of Distance Learning degree programs are not guaranteed to be offered through online modes of delivery.

UH West Oʻahu admits students who are located in NC-SARA member states, including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands and California. UH West Oʻahu is not authorized to enroll students located in other countries in Distance Education programs.  

California is not a SARA member. However, public institutions are not regulated by the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education and are able to offer distance education to California residents.