Student Activity Fee Board

What we do, for You!
Your experience at any college campus should be more than just showing up for class, and here at West O’ahu, the Student Activity Fee Board is all about providing a unique experience to all students. We create day and night events to allow students to enjoy, educate, and engage with everything UHWO has to offer with the benefit of getting to know your fellow PUEO!
The Student Activity Fee Boardʻs mission is to foster a vibrant student life and promote enriching educational experiences for students. Come join in on the fun or consider becoming a member of this fun and social chartered organization!
Need funding for a UHWO Event?
If you wish to receive funding for an event fill out the Funding Request Form linked below at least one month prior to the event along with a flyer for the event.
If you received funding please submit the Post Event Evaluation form no later than two weeks after your event. Failure to do so will affect future funding.
Meet the Members of the Student Activity Fee Board




Follow us on Social Media!
Stay up to date with all the upcoming events, activities, and contests coming to campus provided by your Student Activity Fee Board! Learn more about opportunities to create more excitement on campus or becoming a volunteer at one of these thrilling events. Want to see a video or photos taken from a previous event? See all of them on any of our social media platforms!
Facebook: @
Instagram: @safbwo
Contact Us
Want to know more about this student organization? Or maybe have a question regarding a particular event coming up?
Send us a message providing your name and email, and we’ll be sure to get to you as soon as we can or visit us in the Campus Center, Second-Floor, C-214 between 8:00am-4:30pm. Mahalo!
Student Activity Fee Board