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Home West O‘ahu Happenings Spring 2025 Convocation marks start of semester for UH West O‘ahu

Spring 2025 Convocation marks start of semester for UH West O‘ahu


Image courtesy of UHWO Staff

Nearly 200 faculty and staff at the University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu gathered for the Spring 2025 Convocation and Professional Development Day — on Jan. 8 at the Campus Center multi-purpose room — an event meant to welcome the new semester and that featured mid-year updates from UH West O‘ahu’s executive team and professional development round-robin sessions. The first day of instruction at UH West O‘ahu is Jan. 13.

As is tradition, the program began with the singing of “Mele Honouliuli” by attendees and offering of Hō‘oia ‘Āina (Land Acknowledgement) by UH West O‘ahu Vice Chancellor for Administration David McDonald.

As part of her opening remarks, Chancellor Maenette Benham touched on UH West O‘ahu’s vision, mission, and value proposition, as well as the campus’ core values, or pahuhopu — kaiāulu, hana lawelawe, mālama ‘āina, waiwai, and po‘okela. She also highlighted UH West O‘ahu’s Theory of Distinctiveness and the campus’ embodiment of sustainability/aloha ‘āina; innovation and transformation; and ‘ōiwi leadership.

“If here, on this campus, we are able to live into what makes us distinct, not only will each of you leave a strong and durable legacy and contribution to this community, but you will imprint on many of our students and each other a strong sense of family, of compassion, and of deep aloha,” Benham said. “That, I believe, is what makes this campus and each one of you distinct members of the University of Hawai‘i. And for that, I want to thank each and every one of you.”

After a recognition of the campus’ newest hires, transfers, and promotions, Institutional Research Director John Stanley presented a look at UH West O‘ahu “By the Numbers.” Among some of the takeaways:

  • Enrollment is trending higher this spring. At about 30 days prior to the first day of instruction for spring, this year’s figures surpass last year’s at the same point in time (4.2% above last year’s).
  • Retention and graduation rates are at all-time record highs and outperforming our peer school averages. Our retention rate is 77.9%, which is 12 percentage points above our peer school average. Our six-year graduation rates (back-to-back record highs) are 46.8% for 2023 and 49.5% for 2024, which is 6 percentage points above our peer school average.
  • Post-graduate outcomes are very strong, including the highest employment rate and median wages earned one year after graduation in the UH System — 79% and $38,011, respectively (for undergraduate students).

The program then featured mid-year updates from Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Harald Barkhoff, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Dee Uwono, Vice Chancellor for Administration David McDonald, and Director of Strategic Directions, Assessment & Accreditation Jessica Miranda. (For highlights, see Convocation PowerPoint slides 21-38.)

Benham’s closing remarks included updates on the UH West O‘ahu Enrollment Management Hui and Educational ‘Auwai GO (goal-oriented) Groups, and important events on the campus’ calendar this semester, including UH President Hensel’s campus visit on Jan. 14, the Board of Regents meeting on campus on Jan. 16, and the Annual Commencement Ceremony at the SimpliFi Arena at Stan Sheriff Center on May 10.

Convocation was followed by professional development round-robin sessions on campus health and safety (Mental Health Services, Behavior Intervention Team, Narcan Distribution Project), the mele of UH West O‘ahu (“Mele Honouliuli,” “Oli Mahalo,” “E Hō Mai”), and faculty and student scholarship (Office of Professional Development & Academic Support, Institute for Research & Engaged Scholarship, Da Pueo Press, ‘Upena Moananuiākea); lunch; and separate unit meetings.

To see more photos from the event, visit the Spring 2025 Convocation and Professional Development Day album on Flickr.

Click here to see the Convocation PowerPoint presentation.

A recording of the Convocation program will be available at a later day.

A woman holding a microphone and speaking at the front of a room to a group of people
Dr. Manu Aluli Meyer, Kūlana o Kapolei, gives a presentation about mele and oli at one of three professional development sessions at UH West O‘ahu’s Spring 2025 Convocation and Professional Development Day, Jan. 8 on campus.

Image courtesy of UHWO Staff