Faculty, staff and students are invited to view and hear about concepts being considered as the campus plans for its future. For a glimpse into the planning, stop by the Campus Center Multipurpose room (C208) between 9 and 11 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 26. Meet and greet with the consultants and provide feedback about the future of the campus lands. A short presentation will begin at 9:30 a.m., with the rest of the time dedicated to interaction and question and answer sessions with the consultants. Stop by in between classes and stay as long as you can!
The open house is another step in the process of planning for the campus’ land and facilities. Various work groups involving faculty, staff, consultants/planners, alumni and students have participated and provided input in the update to the campus’ Long Range Development Plan. A preliminary market study was also prepared.
Information from these efforts have been put into concepts that will be presented during the open house. It also will be a chance for everyone on campus to learn about the status of planning and meet and speak with UH West Oʻahu’s planning and urban design consultants.
Reviewing the Long Range Development Plan is part of a larger effort to align UH West Oʻahuʻs enrollment, facilities, and academic growth prospects to 2028. Work groups have been formed to look at academic planning, enrollment management, and land/facilities during a year-long review.