Think pink on Thursday, Oct. 19, when members of the UH West Oʻahu campus are asked to wear pink to recognize that Breast Cancer Awareness Month and National Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
Hawaiʻi has one of the higher female breast cancer incidence rates with a rate of getting breast cancer at 138 women out of every 100,000, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That ranks the state fifth-worst in the nation, with only Massachusetts, the District of Columbia, Connecticut and New Hampshire having higher rates in 2014.
According to CDC’s national data, more than 37 percent of U.S. women and almost 31 percent of U.S. men experienced intimate partner contact sexual violence, physical violence, and/or stalking during their lifetime.
Tables will be set up in the UHWO courtyard on Oct. 19 with information about breast cancer between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.