UHWO Graduates Sought for Survey to Improve Alumni Programs

UHWO 2017 Spring Graduates

University of Hawaiʻi–West Oʻahu’s more than 6,000 alumni are being polled on ways the graduates may be better served through alumni engagement programs.

In late June alumni were alerted to the 19-question online survey through emails sent to about 3,000 UH West Oʻahu graduates. In early July these alumni, along with 3,000 other graduates whose email addresses aren’t known, will receive a postcard asking them to take the SurveyMonkey poll.

Kent Coarsey, UH West Oʻahu director of development and alumni engagement for the University of Hawaiʻi Foundation, said the survey will help identify needs of the alumni group and help direct his work and that of the University of Hawaiʻi–West Oʻahu Alumni Association. Prior surveys for other UH campuses have found graduates wanting career services, mentoring, and help finding out about job opportunities.

The survey asks graduates about what programs they would value as an alumni, and how UH West Oʻahu might best stay in contact with them. Other questions ask about their preferences for alumni events and how connected they feel to the university.

The survey is designed to take 10 minutes or less to complete and is voluntary.  Participants may remain anonymous if they choose to do so.

Coarsey said most UH West Oʻahu graduates live in Hawaiʻi, and of those elsewhere, the U.S. West Coast and large urban areas attract alumni.  There are also alumni living in Asia and other international locales.

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