Looking to fill your Spring 2017 schedule? Sign up for ENG 316: Writing Fellows!

A pair of hands typing on a laptop

Laptop Typing

Do you like to write?
Do you like to teach others?
Do you want to improve your own writing skills?
Do you want to build your resume?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, sign up for ENG 316 Writing Fellows: Peer Tutoring Theory and Practice (CRN 66340) this Spring semester!

The benefits of this course include:
• The opportunity to work closely with an instructor, establishing a relationship that could prove valuable later in your academic career
• A higher likelihood of employment as a writing tutor in UHWO’s Noʻeau Center
• Resume-building leadership experiences that could be beneficial for graduate school applications, future teaching employment, and/or any leadership/management position
• A better understanding of your own writing/writing process through professional development.

As a Fellow, you will:
• Serve as a mentor/writing tutor in an ENG 100T/100/200 class.
• Be exposed to writing center theory and practical tutoring strategies through various assigned readings.
• Participate in Writing Fellow meetings during which you will dialogue with other Fellows about your learning from both reading assignments and in-class experiences.
• Reflect on your Writing Fellow experiences and your own writing development through formal writing assignments.

Interested?  For more information, visit the UHWO English Department’s Writing Fellows program page at www.uhwo.hawaii.edu/english/writing-program/writing-fellows and/or contact Robyn Nelson, Writing Fellows Coordinator (nelsonrc@hawaii.edu).

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