Students honored at Pueo Awards and Recognition Luncheon

Pueo Awards & Recognition group photo

Pueo Awards & Recognition group photo

University of Hawaiʻi – West Oʻahu students were recognized for their excellence, exemplary service, and contributions to the campus at the inaugural Pueo Awards and Recognition Luncheon on April 28 at UH West Oʻahu.

The awards ceremony, which was inclusive of academic, student employment, and co-curricular activities, honored, congratulated, and thanked students for their service.

Pueo Awards & Recognition group photo

Pueo Awards & Recognition finalists. Ryan Sommer (third from left) and Laura McDowell (middle) were the Student Service and Leadership Distinction awardees.

Laura McDowell and Ryan Sommer received the award for Student Service and Leadership Distinction, awarded to students who displayed outstanding service. McDowell, who was involved in the Student Organic Garden and other sustainability efforts systemwide, and Sommer, the outgoing ASUHWO President, were recognized along with finalists Douglas Albano, Maikaʻi Kim, and Joyleanne Santos.

Kaila Bolton was named the Student Employee of the Year for her work at the Office of Student Life.

Pueo Awards & Recognition group photo

Student Employee of the Year finalists with Student Employee of the Year, Kaila Bolton, second from left.

The Academic Division awards, which recognize students who excel in their studies and achieve good academic standing throughout their academic career, were also announced at the luncheon.

Below is the complete list of winners:

Student Service and Leadership Distinction Award
Laura McDowell
Ryan Sommer
Douglas Albano
Maikaʻi Kim
Joyleanne Santos

Student Employee of the Year
Kaila Bolton
Joyan Mison
Angelica Salvador
Shaina Souza

Associated Students of the University of Hawaiʻi – West Oʻahu Awards

Distinguished Service Award
Haylie Culp
Elizabeth Gustafson
Christielove Espinosa

Volunteerism Medal Award
Maika’i Kim
Ariana Savea
Karis Tautolo
Mahealani Kahala

Faculty/Staff Appreciation Medal
Blake Araki
James Shattuck Jr.
Dr. Paula Major
Dr. David Kupferman

Academic Division Awards

Business Administration

Deion James Agustin, Outstanding General Business Student
Daniel Sieradzki, Outstanding Accounting Student
Andrew Warner, Hawaii Association of Public Accountants Outstanding Senior Award
Alexis Tsutsumi
Hawaii Society of Certified Public Accountants – Outstanding Senior Award

Public Administration
Bradley Duvall, Outstanding Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management Student
Katherina Oka, Outstanding General Public Administration
Sarah Hogan, Outstanding Health Care Administration Student
Tanja Kaea, Outstanding Justice Administration Student

Tiffany Shelton, Outstanding English Student

Service Learning
Haylie Culp

Intramural Awards

Intramurals Sportsman of the Year
Alphonse Rigor

LeeSports Battle of the Colleges Softball Champions: Mike Rivers (Coach), Derek Brown, Tristan Florentin (Captain), Sabrina Tolentino, Shaina Souza, Dan Brown, Casey Mamalias, Josiah Kahala, John Patrick Kaulia, Christielove Espinosa, Braedon Alferez, and Dostyn Kama.

UHWO Volleyball Tournament Champions: Andrew Leituala, Kasey Schlitkus, and Samuel Wahilani III

UHWO 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament Champions: Aukai Pennington, Alphonse Rigor, and Jordan DeCorte

Image courtesy of UHWO Staff