Monthly Mental Health Moment – Bystander Effect

Mental Health Moment graphic

Clinical psychologists Dr. Steven Taketa and Dr. Analu Sing, with the Mental Health Clinic at UH West Oʻahu, will offer monthly mental health tips to students, faculty, and staff to cope through COVID-19 and these trying times:

Social media has allowed people to connect with others, post pictures of the most delicious foods, and many of us have secretly watched hours of funny cat videos. But this online platform has also been used to express and share information that can be harmful and traumatizing. The bystander effect is a concept that refers to the human tendency to be less likely to get help for someone in need as more bystanders observe a tragedy.

If you see something that is potentially harmful in person or online, don’t assume that someone else has called for help. Identify the potential threat of harm and become an “upstander” by contacting an appropriate authority. If you do not know who to contact, and danger is not imminent, contact the Mental Health Clinic at UH West Oʻahu for assistance. Email In emergency situations, call 911.

Image courtesy of UHWO Staff