Monthly Mental Health Moment – Psychotherapy

Mental Health Moment graphic

Clinical psychologists Dr. Steven Taketa and Dr. Analu Sing, with the Mental Health Clinic at UH West Oʻahu, will offer monthly mental health tips to students, faculty, and staff to cope through COVID-19 and these trying times:

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increase in the number of people seeking mental health therapy. Researchers have documented that treatment has been associated with positive outcomes for people suffering from a range of disorders and personal struggles. So, why is it that some people respond well to therapy and others do not?

Studies have demonstrated that a major factor between these two very different outcomes has to do with the relationship that a client has with his or her therapist. Having a trusting relationship with a clinician and feeling understood and cared for has been shown to produce better results than any other factor being studied. Interestingly, the client-therapist relationship has been consistently found to be more powerful in the healing process than the actual therapy itself. If you are thinking about getting treatment, here are some tips:

1. The Right Therapist. The right therapist for you is likely a professional who you trust, respect, and have a positive reaction towards.

2. Be Selfish. Challenge yourself to be selfish about the treatment you receive. If your therapist is not producing the results that you want, talk to your therapist about this concern and decide if it would be in your best interest to find another clinician.

3. Give Feedback. Let your provider know about any concerns that you might have about treatment and tell him or her if you disagree with anything that was talked about.

4. Let Us Help. UH West Oʻahu offers free and confidential mental health services for all enrolled students. UH West Oʻahu does not provide treatment to faculty and staff, but they are welcome to contact the campus’ counseling services to get guidance about treatment. Email or call 689-2661.

Image courtesy of UHWO Staff