Faculty receive grant awards from Institute of Engaged Scholarship

Photo of a professor in a classroom and students listening to her. The professor is holding what appears to be a model of the human leg and on the screen behind her is a diagram of a human leg

Dr. Rebecca Romine (center), Assistant Professor of Biology, is one of three faculty members who received a grant award from the Institute of Engaged Scholarship.

The University of Hawaiʻi–West Oʻahu Institute of Engaged Scholarship awarded three faculty grants of $2,500 each through its Engaged Scholars Faculty Grant Program.

“These funds support projects that are likely to lead to larger grant submissions and extramural funded projects,” said Dr. Melissa Saul, Director of the Institute of Engaged Scholarship. “The purpose of these faculty grants is to encourage faculty scholars to engage in critical, applied research with- and in-community.”

The recipients and their projects are:

  • Dr. Monique Mironesco, Professor of Political Science. Project: “Women’s Leadership in Alternative Food Networks in the Pacific.”
  • Dr. Mark Hopper, Assistant Professor of Psychology. Project: “Learning from and teaching to strengths: Using the VIA and talk story to improve student academic and co-curricular services.”
  • Dr. Rebecca Romine, Assistant Professor of Biology. Project: “Investigating the Effect of a Collegiate Intramural Program on Body Composition and Psychological Health.”
Image courtesy of UHWO Staff