66 UH West Oʻahu students inducted into NSLS leadership honor society

Photo of more than 55 students who are standing and kneeling at the NSLS induction ceremony. The group shot was taken in the Campus Center Multi-Purpose room.

Students at the UH West Oʻahu NSLS Chapter’s inaugural induction ceremony

Some 66 UH West Oʻahu students were inducted in April into the UH West Oʻahu Chapter of the National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS) during its first-ever induction event.

The students were inducted during an April 12 ceremony after having completed a leadership skills program, including orientation, a leadership training day, speaker broadcasts, and success networking teams. All inducted students gave a one-minute leadership and gratitude remark in front of family members, loved ones, and friends.

Round logo that is red, white and black. In the center is some sort of seal ringed with the words The National Society of Leadership and Success

UH West Oʻahu launched its own chapter of the NSLS in February 2018 under the leadership of Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Judy Oliveira, who named First Year Student Coordinator Katrina Abes and Student Life Coordinator Rouel Velasco as co-advisors for the chapter. The society is the largest leadership U.S. honor society with more than 650 chapters and more than 1 million members. Members receive a leadership certificate and gain access to benefits including scholarships and awards, exclusive events, an online job bank, and other advantages.

The NSLS also provides members with tools for action, inspiration to hold them accountable, and motivation to achieve goals. This is a place for members to join in with other student leaders in Success Networking Teams, where they interact with one another to create and achieve personal goals

The mission of NSLS is building leaders who make a better world. The UH West Oʻahu chapter was founded to help student members create the success they want by enabling them to engage in reflection and self-exploration.

The UH West Oʻahu chapter is now seeking students to serve as chapter leaders on the executive board. The following students were inducted during the ceremony:

Mercy Abel Kelli Jim Taimane Revolorio
Giovanni Aczon Pohakealanielua Kalua Sheka Inna Rivera
Taylor Afalava-Savali Brandie Kasaoka Cassandra Salvador
Scott Alquisa Kaitlin Kau Maegan Jaylynne Salvador
Caitlin Alvior Wendi Kuon Jamie Sanidad
Symantha Arcalas Justin-Clyde Labador Ilalia Seumalo
Rovelle Arciaga Joan Marie Lactaoen Chloe Paige Sevidal
Joshua Asuncion Laarnie Joy Ligsay Cindy Shishido
Maureen Mae Joie Bali Elijah Maluo Pearlena Stone
Chelsea Briggs Eugene Maluyo Jr Crystalyn Sudaria
Peighton Bryce Taeja Mason Kylie-Rose Sumile
April Joy Bucaneg Sydney Millerd Marriah Tapia
Krysten-Joy Caraang Kristian Monis-Cummings Ardena Thompson
Ihilani Carter Whitney Murphy Jeno Tolentino
Mark Ben Lawrence Cruz Robert Nishida Jared Tumaneng
Leah-Jean Echavaria Shayna Olarti Leialoha Tumbaga
Caelon Evans Elena Paishon Shaun Twiddy
Maegan Fagaragan Ardee Pananganan Ruth Stephanie Valencia
Brianne Frias Michelle Perry Jennifer Velasco
Michelle Gabriel Courtney Quiamzon Kelly Wei
Victoria Gaines Zharinne Ramento Alyssa Yoshioka
Dyana Joy Hofbauer Treson Reis Alexandra Zapata
Image courtesy of UHWO Staff