Student Conduct Process

  • Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs (VCSA).
  • Student Conduct Officer (SCO).
  • Complainant.
  • Respondent: The student who allegedly to have violated the Student Code of Conduct.
  • VCSA has ultimate oversight and authority.
  • VCSA designated the SCO to render decisions and sanctions, assign cases and/or administratively resolve cases.
  • SCO determines if the allegation(s) has merit or can be resolved administratively.
  • SCO conducts conference with Respondent.
  • SCO renders decision which is final, unless subject to an appropriate appeal.
  • Appellate Officer is assigned by VCSA.
  • Appellate Officer shall have the sole authority to determine whether or not an appeal warrants further review as well as decide the outcome of the appeal.
  • 3 separate Grievance Process and Procedures.
  • Discriminations: Allegations including but not limited to involving any unlawful discrimination or related harassment based on sex, race, age, religion, color, sexual orientation, veteran’s status.
  • Sexual Misconduct: Allegations involving sexual harassment, sexual assault,  domestic/dating violence, stalking, and retaliation,
  • Student Conduct: 21 prohibited conduct.

Quick Overview

Preliminary Fact Findings:

Notification of Alleged Violation:

Written Statement
Student Conduct Meeting

Determination on Responsibility:

Possible Sanctions

Written Notice: A notice in writing to the student that the student is violating or has violated institutional regulations and a copy of the warning letter is placed in the student’s disciplinary file. Probation: Probation is for a designated period of time (which may include the remainder of their enrollment at UH West Oʻahu) and includes the probability of more severe disciplinary sanction if the student is found to violate any institutional regulation(s) during the probationary period. This sanction may require the student to meet with the VCSA (or his or her designee) upon request. Loss of Privileges: Denial of specified privileges for a designated period of time. Restitution: Compensation for loss, damage, or injury. This may take the form of appropriate service and/or monetary or material replacement. Discretionary Sanction: Work assignments, essays, service to UH West Oʻahu, community service, or other related discretionary or educational related assignments. Examples are Quiz of the Student Code of Conduct, Apology letter, Responsibility Letter, Educational Essay or project, community services. **UH West Oʻahu imposes discipline that is consistent with the impact of the offense on the UH West Oʻahu community. Progressive discipline principles will be followed in that the student’s prior disciplinary history at UH West Oʻahu (and any
Suspension: Separation of the student from UH West Oʻahu for a definite period of time (usually 1 year or less) after which the student is eligible to return. Conditions for readmission may be specified. Suspensions may be effective immediately or deferred. Dismissal: Separation of the student from UH West Oʻahu for more than 1 year. The student may be eligible for return. Conditions for readmission, if any, will be specified. Dismissals will be effective immediately unless otherwise stated. Expulsion: Separation of the student from the UH West Oʻahu permanently. Expulsions will be effective immediately, unless otherwise stated. Revocation of Admission/Degree: Admission to or a degree awarded from UH West Oʻahu may be revoked for fraud, misrepresentation, or other violation of UH West Oʻahu standards in obtaining the degree, or for other serious violations committed by a student prior to graduation. Mutual No-Contact Order: No unnecessary contact between the Respondent and Complainant, witnesses, or other individuals (when appropriate). UH West Oʻahu imposes discipline that is consistent with the impact of the offense on the UH West Oʻahu community. Progressive discipline principles will be followed in that the student’s prior disciplinary history at UH West Oʻahu (and any other institution of higher education, if applicable) will be taken into account.

Appeal Process

Appeal Submitted Appellate Officer: -VSCA Assigns Appellate Officer -Copy of appeal sent to Complainant -Copy of appeal sent to SCO Appeal warrants further review: -Appellate Officer reviews appeal -Renders a determination -Yes, appeal warrants a review -No, appeal does not warrant a review Appeal denied: -Case closed -Appellate Officer decision shall be FINAL and BINDING Appeal granted: 4 basis to appeal shall be considered- -Material deviation -Bias, ONLY if recorded -Sanctions disproportionate to the sanction -New information unavailable at the time Appellate Officer Decides to either: -Assign another SCO & re-notice. Start the process over -Issue appropriate sanctions -Consider the new information. Make a determination on responsibility & impose sanctions -Another SCO reviews the information and make a decision regarding responsibility
Appeal Submitted: The VCSA assigns an Appellate Officer or shall serve as the Appellate Officer. A copy of the appeal given to the non-appealing party and the SCO to respond and provide information including the incident to report to the Appellate Officer. Decision: The Appellate Officer shall consider the basis for the appeal and make a determination on the issue presented that fairly addresses the alleged appeal issue ONLY. Four Basis to Appeal: 1. A material deviation from the procedure that substantially jeopardized the fairness of the process. 2. New information that was unknown or unavailable at the time would have resulted in a substantially different outcome. 3. A demonstrable bias by the SCO (only if the meeting is recorded). 4. The sanction was substantially disproportionate to the severity of the violation. No Review: The appeal does not warrant a further review according to the 4 basis to appeal. The appeal is denied. The case is closed and the decision of the Appellate Officer shall be FINAL and BINDING. Both parties are notified via email regarding the appeal and the reason for the denial. Review: The appeal granted, according to the 4 basis to appeal.


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