- Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs (VCSA).
- Student Conduct Officer (SCO).
- Complainant.
- Respondent: The student who allegedly to have violated the Student Code of Conduct.
| - VCSA has ultimate oversight and authority.
- VCSA designated the SCO to render decisions and sanctions, assign cases and/or administratively resolve cases.
- SCO determines if the allegation(s) has merit or can be resolved administratively.
- SCO conducts conference with Respondent.
- SCO renders decision which is final, unless subject to an appropriate appeal.
- Appellate Officer is assigned by VCSA.
- Appellate Officer shall have the sole authority to determine whether or not an appeal warrants further review as well as decide the outcome of the appeal.
| - 3 separate Grievance Process and Procedures.
- Discriminations: Allegations including but not limited to involving any unlawful discrimination or related harassment based on sex, race, age, religion, color, sexual orientation, veteran’s status.
- Sexual Misconduct: Allegations involving sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, stalking, and retaliation,
- Student Conduct: 21 prohibited conduct.