Announcing the 2018 University of Hawai‘i Student Food Security Survey! (Posted on behalf of Dr. Albie Miles)

Close-up of red cabbage

All University of Hawai‘i – West Oahu students (18 years and older) are invited to participate in a new research survey on the food security status of UH students.

The 2018 University of Hawaii Student Food Security Survey is being conducted by Elise Leimomi Dela Cruz-Talbert, Ph.D. Candidate in Epidemiology at UH Manoa, Dr. Albie Miles, Assistant Professor, Sustainable Community Food Systems at UH West Oahu and a consortium of University of Hawaii faculty, staff and administrators.

The purpose of the study is to understand student perceptions and experiences around diet choices and food security. Participation in the study will help inform University of Hawaii programs and policies aimed at promoting health and food security among college students in Hawai‘i and beyond.

The anonymous, online survey may be found here. We encourage all UHWO students to participate.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary and you can withdraw at any time.  If you have questions about this project or if you have a research-related problems, you may contact the researchers, Albie Miles ( or Elise Leimomi Dela Cruz-Talbert ( at: 808-689-2389.

Image courtesy of UHWO Staff