New UH West Oʻahu TV commercial premieres during Merrie Monarch Festival broadcast

UH West Oʻahu’s new 30-second commercial premiered during last night’s telecast of the Merrie Monarch Festival and also has been uploaded to the campus’ YouTube channel.

The commercial features Fall 2017 graduates Terina Faʻagau of Waiʻanae and Daniel Coronado of ʻEwa Beach who discuss how attending UH West Oʻahu put them in a position to succeed. Faʻagau was recently accepted into the William S. Richardson School of Law and Coronado is currently attending the Yale University School of Medicine’s Physician Assistant Online Program.

Their voice-overs accompany video of them in classrooms and elsewhere on campus. The commercial is an all-UH West Oʻahu affair – its concept, script and some of the editing was done in the campus’ Communications Department, while it was shot and edited by Academy for Creative Media (ACM) students Hadji Corpuz and Kevin Bechayda, and Jeff Galicinao, ACM media lab manager.

The commercial also marks the debut of a new tagline, which has its genesis in something said by Fa’agau as she explained how she came to UH West Oʻahu for an education, but found the campus offered much more. The #SoMuchMore tagline will be featured on UH West Oʻahu’s redesigned website when it is rolled out later this year.

The commercial is slated to run a dozen times during the Merrie Monarch hula competition being shown on KFVE through April 8. Decisions on running the commercials at other times are yet to be made.