One Billion Rising event adds incentive to attend, dance

One Billion Rising flyer that includes same information as is in the article

There’s an additional incentive that’s been added for students, faculty, staff, and the community to come observe or take part in the One Billion Rising event this Wednesday in the UH West Oʻahu courtyard.

The group organizing the event has put together a prize giveaway as extra enticement to come partake in the event that raises awareness of dating and domestic violence. Prizes range from a gift cards for Jamba Juice, a UH West Oʻahu Bookstore gift bag, a metal water bottle, two Brookstone Big Blue Unplugged wireless speaker, and a Xbox One.

People attending the event can qualify for the giveaway by earning lucky numbers through three means — dancing,  attending the one-hour “Change the Culture” presentation, listening to the Domestic Violence Survivor Panel, or visiting the various tables and booths that will be set up in the courtyard. More information about the giveaway and how to earn the numbers will be available during the event.

The state’s only registered One Billion Rising event will take place at UH West Oʻahu on Valentine’s Day, with students, faculty and administration urged to “rise up” against dating and domestic violence. The One Billion Rising campaign, launched on Valentine’s Day 2012, began as a call to action based on the statistic that 1 in 3 women on the planet will be beaten or raped during her lifetime.

The UH West Oʻahu Compliance Hui is sponsoring the event to show unity and solidarity on a variety of issues affecting communities, including raising awareness regarding dating and domestic violence. The UHWO Compliance Hui is a campus initiative to ensure the campus engages in necessary and appropriate awareness and programming as required by with state and federal laws and is headed by Beverly Baligad, UH West Oʻahu Director of Compliance.

Dance is an integral and creative aspect of the One Billion Rising events, with participants dancing to choreography by Debbie Allen and the song “Break the Chain.”  UH West Oʻahu’s event will also feature hula and an oli.

Image courtesy of UHWO Staff