Groundbreaking for Allied Health/Administration building

Allied Health/Administration Building groundbreaking, Nov. 28, 2016

Allied Health/Administration Building groundbreaking, Nov. 28, 2016

The University of Hawaiʻi – West Oʻahu commemorated the impending arrival of its newest building by welcoming the community to share in the groundbreaking ceremony for its Allied Health/Administration building – the highlight in a yearlong series of events celebrating the campus’ 40th Anniversary.

A guest list including Governor David Ige, University of Hawai‘i President David Lassner, State legislators, members of the Board of Regents, students, faculty, and staff witnessed a traditional blessing ceremony performed by Kahu Sherman Thompson.

The $36 million Allied Health/Administration building will house the allied health, community health, health information management, long term care and biology programs and will contain administrative offices, faculty offices, classrooms, and lab spaces. The two-story, 43,000-square foot building has an anticipated completion date of 2018.

“We’re thrilled to take this symbolic and exciting step,” interim Chancellor Doris Ching said. “The Allied Health/Administration building will provide our campus with much-needed space that will help us service our community with their health-related needs. We pride ourselves with being innovative and responsive to the community’s needs, and this carefully-designed building features a combination of classroom and laboratory space, offices, and conference rooms that will enable us to do just that.”

The Allied Health programs address the anticipated workforce need for more trained professionals to assist with Hawai‘i’s aging population. The programs are continually being developed with community and industry partners to ensure that they meet the needs of the community while providing career opportunities for UH West Oʻahu’s students.

See flickr album of the event here, and a UH News video production here.

Image courtesy of UHWO Staff