UHWO new chapter member of International Honor Society in Education

Officers of the 2016 Kappa Delta Pi class (from left: Gina Ramiscal, Haylie Culp, Adrian Hill, Elizabeth Soldner, and Elizabeth Gustafson).

Officers of the 2016 Kappa Delta Pi class (from left: Gina Ramiscal, Haylie Culp, Adrian Hill, Elizabeth Soldner, and Elizabeth Gustafson).

The University of Hawaiʻi – West Oʻahu was installed as a chapter of Kappa Delta Pi, International Honor Society in Education, making it the only active chapter of Kappa Delta Pi (KDP) in the state. UH West Oʻahu is KDPʻs 879th chapter, guided through the process by Associate Professor of Education Paula Major.

First Lady Dawn Amano-Ige, an educator, was the keynote speaker at the installation of the Alpha Theta Lambda chapter at the UH West Oʻahu ceremony on Nov. 3.

KDP was founded in 1911. KDP has grown from a local chapter into an international organization with an initiated membership that exceeds 1.2 million members. KDP supports educators throughout their teaching careers using programs, services, and resources.

“Hawaiʻi has its first society to recognize excellence in educators!” chapter president Haylie Culp said. “It’s great to see high-quality educators coming from the University of Hawaiʻi – West Oʻahu.”

Inductees are required to demonstrate leadership attributes; have completed at least 30 credit hours of collegiate course work; have at least 12 credit hours in education course work programmed, in progress, or completed; and demonstrate a cumulative grade-point average of 3.0 or greater.

“Just like service learning, it builds your knowledge base and you can bring it into the classroom,” Culp said.

The UH West Oʻahu Bachelor of Education degree prepares teacher candidates to be knowledgeable, skillful, responsive educators for a global society. Course delivery occurs both on-campus and online, with flexible scheduling that recognizes candidates’ busy family, work, and academic responsibilities.

During their program of study, teacher candidates participate in over 630 hours of field-based coursework, including introductory Early Field Experiences, Service Learning, Practicums, and Student Teaching. Field placements occur in partnership with Hawai‘i Department of Education schools island-wide and especially in Central and Leeward O‘ahu and on the Wai‘anae Coast. Additionally, teacher candidates complete a minimum 40 hours of Service Learning that is integrated into required pre-professional courses.

Alpha Theta Lambda chapter inductees are:

Mherial Cezar
Haylie Culp
Marie Edwards
Annalene Gano
Elizabeth Gustafson
Lydia Haff
Adrian Hill
Keriann Koizumi
Rosemarie Luna
Jennifer Morrison
Naturalee Puou
Jacquelyn Quitevis
Gina Ramiscal
Elizabeth Soldner
Shanisse Tibas
Dr. Paula Major
Dr. Gloria Niles
Dr. Stephanie Kamai

Image courtesy of Leila Wai Shimokawa