Fall RISO Rise Up – Student Leadership Seminar, Oct. 26

The Fall RISO Rise Up Seminar

The Fall RISO Rise Up Seminar

The Fall RISO Rise Up is a student leadership seminar that focuses on personal leadership, leading organizations effectively, and fostering community.

The Fall RISO Rise Up is Wednesday, Oct. 26, from 3 to 7 p.m. in the UH West Oʻahu Multipurpose Room (C208). It is open to all UHWO students who are actively involved in a student organization. Students who are not part of a student organization but would like to learn leadership skills are encouraged to attend. The event is free, and food will be provided. Register here: bit.ly/FallRISORiseUp.

The Campus Center Board (CCB), is hosting the event. The CCB is one of UHWO’s Chartered Student Organizations. The CCB is a governing board that has policy governance responsibility for the Student Lounge. The purposes of the CCB are to provide governance for the Campus Center and its programs, as follows:

Ensure that the Campus Center shall:
1. Serve as the community center for the UH West O‘ahu campus through its facilities, programs, and services.
2. Serve as the focus and unifying force in the life of all members of the UH West O‘ahu campus community.
3. Serve as the center of college community life and as a laboratory of citizenship, training students in social responsibility and leadership in our democracy.

Image courtesy of UHWO Staff