Hear about copyright, intellectual property, fair use, and creative commons as part of Open Access Week. The presentation will be broadcast via HITS in B157 on Tuesday, October 25, at 10:30 a.m.
Brian Huffman
Open Access is fraught with copyright issues as a creator and user of others works. I will address some of the key points to consider when using others OA materials or creating your own. Brian Huffman is the electronic services librarian at William S. Richardson School of Law. He teaches Scholarly Research and has presented on Open Education Resources (OER).
Debbie Halbert
Title: “”For a limited time.” Copyright maximalism in the information age. Debora Halbert is the Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. Over the last several decades she has written extensively on issues of intellectual property. Her most recent work includes The State of Copyright (2014), the co-edited Handbook of Intellectual Property (2015) and the co-authored book Owning the World of Ideas (2015).
Billy Meinke
Copyright hasn’t kept up with our ability to share and collaborate in a digital age. Creative Commons (CC) licenses are a free, easy way to unlock the potential of our collective knowledge and creativity. An overview of CC licenses, how they work, and examples of where they are already a part of our lives. Billy Meinke is an instructional designer and open education advocate, currently serving as the OER Technologist for the UHM Outreach College. He formerly worked at Creative Commons, specializing in education applications of their open licenses.
Peter Shirts
Just how much of that book can you copy? Well, it’s complicated. Learn about the four factors of Fair Use and how to apply them. Peter Shirts is the Music and Audiovisual Librarian and the Acting Head of Sinclair Library and the Wong Audiovisual Center, but is not a lawyer.