Dr. Albie Miles’ edited volume Teaching Organic Farming & Gardening 3rd edition published


Assistant Professor of Sustainable Community Food Systems Albie Miles

The University of California, Santa Cruz Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems recently published the 3rd edition of Teaching Organic Farming & Gardening (2015) edited by UH West Oʻahu’s Dr. Albie Miles and colleagues. The 700-page manual is designed for a wide audience of those involved in teaching farming and gardening skills and sustainable agriculture concepts, including colleges and universities with sustainable agriculture programs, student farms or gardens, and on-farm education programs; urban agriculture, community garden, and farm training programs; farms with internships or apprenticeships; agriculture extension stations; school gardening programs and more.

Teaching Organic Farming & Gardening

Albie Miles is an assistant professor of sustainable community food systems at UH West Oʻahu.

Images courtesy of Mellissa Lochman and UCSC Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems