UH West Oʻahu Noʻeau Center
Get on the path to academic success and stop by the UH West Oʻahu Noʻeau Center this spring for free academic success workshops.
The in-person workshops are
- Acing that Interview
- Creating a Job-worthy Resume
- Formatting your Sources in ASA
- Grad School? Preparing for your GRE
- Law School? Preparing for your LSAT
- Mastering APA Style
- Stress and Time Management
- What the Heck is a Literature Review?
Online video workshops are also available on the following topics
- AAA Style
- APA Style
- ASA Style
- Chicago Manual Style
- How to Write a Literature Review
- How to Write a Research Paper
- How to Write an “A” Paper
- Mastering Math
- MLA Formatting
- Plagiarism
- Senior Projects: Preparation and Presentation
New this spring, the Noʻeau Center also offers regular workshops on tax preparation, Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) assistance, and scholarship application assistance during “Fund Your Future Friday” events Fridays, Jan. 22-Feb. 26 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. in B203.
The Noʻeau Center will also be open for extended hours during “Way to Go Wednesdays” from 8 a.m.- 7 p.m. Testing and tutoring services will be available by appointment only from 5-7 p.m. in B203.
View the spring workshop schedule and complete workshop descriptions on the UH West Oʻahu website. The No‘eau Center provides academic support through testing services, tutoring, workshops, and other support services to help students succeed at UH West O‘ahu. Visit the Noʻeau Center on the second floor of the UH West Oʻahu Library in B203. Call (808) 689-2750 or email uhwowc@hawaii.edu for more information.