Attend an active threat emergency preparedness training session, Nov. 3-6

Active Threat Training Flyer

All UH West Oʻahu students, faculty and staff are highly encouraged to attend one Emergency Preparedness Training Session addressing an active threat on campus. The sessions will be offered on

  • Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2-3 p.m., Campus Center Multipurpose Room, C208
  • Wednesday, Nov. 4, 3-4 p.m., ʻUluʻulu Archive Exhibition Space, UHWO Library first floor
  • Thursday, Nov. 5, 8-9 a.m., ʻUluʻulu Archive Exhibition Space, UHWO Library first floor
  • Friday, Nov. 6, 8-9 a.m., ʻUluʻulu Archive Exhibition Space, UHWO Library first floor

The one hour session will briefly cover prevention and guidance on what to do during a campus active threat situation followed by a question and answer session. The University will conduct an emergency preparedness exercise (active threat drill) in mid November. All UHWO affiliates are encouraged to sign up for the UH Alert text messaging system to receive emergency communication related to campus health and safety. For more information, visit the UHWO emergency web page or contact Tavia Oshiro at

Image courtesy of Brian Miyamoto