UH West Oʻahu Glee Club members perform at the 2014 West Fest.
Join the UH West Oʻahu Glee Club, meet new friends, and have fun! Can’t sing? No worries! There are many ways to get involved with the Glee Club, including performing, fundraising, and coming to practices or the recording studio to hang out and talk story. Glee Club is all about music, singing, performing, and having fun!
The UH West Oʻahu Glee Club’s first meeting is Wednesday, Sept. 2, from 3:30-5 p.m. in C225 (Campus Center second floor). Hear from returning “gleeks,” find out about plans for the coming year, and get ready to sing!
For more information, email Dr. Jon Magnussen at jonmagnu@hawaii.edu.
Image courtesy of UH West Oʻahu