Career Self-Assessments

FOCUS 2 – A Career, Major and Education Planning System

FOCUS 2 combines self-assessment, career and major exploration, decision making, and action planning in one comprehensive service. Check it out today and start on your career pathway.

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Individual Assessments

Values Assessment

What is most important to you? Achievement? Independence? Recognition? Relationships? Support? Working Conditions?

Interests Assessment

Career satisfaction is closely linked to having an interest in the tasks you perform.

  • O*NET Interest Profiler can help you find out what your interests are and how they relate to the world of work. Find out what you like to do and the kinds of careers that best suit your interests.

Personality Assessment

Research show that personality traits have a major role in job satisfaction and success.

Skills Assessment

What are your primary abilities, talents, and strengths? Communication? Interpersonal? Leadership? Planning/Organizing? Analytical/Research? Problem Solving?