ʻAuamo Kuleana

ʻauamo kuleana
– Collective transformation through individual excellence –
ʻike ʻāina
– Awareness of what land/sky/ocean teaches us and how to respond accordingly –
aloha ʻāina
– To love and care for that which nourishes us (aka: land, ohana, people) –
Solomon Enos led our two learning communities ‘Ike Mauli Ola and Nana I Ke Kumu and their kumu in a hana noeau doing a collective art piece entitled ʻAuamo Kuleana. The inspiration for this art piece came from a talk story in which our team wanted an engaging experience for our haumana that helped them to see the guiding values of our learning communities through the art medium as well as being able to see how there are many pieces that make a whole. Piece by piece our haumana and kumu painted their section, not knowing what the final piece would look like. When it was completed the individual pieces were glued together showing all who participated the beauty that was created together.