Meeting Minutes
September 2, 2022

as approved October 1, 2022

The regular meeting of the UHWO Faculty Senate was held via Zoom Platform. FS Chair Akamine presiding with Lisa Spencer Vice Chair/Recorder. Chair Akamine called the meeting to order at 11:35 a.m.


Nicole Akana, Katherine Aumer, Linda Axtell-Thompson, Bonnie Bittman, James Burrell, Rebecca Carino-Agustin, Joanne Chinen-Moore, Kealani Cook, Ross Cordy, Michael Furuto, Alphie Garcia, Mark Hanson, Holly Itoga, Michiko Joseph, Katie Landraf, Wendell Lee, Joy Mahiko, Carmen Nolte-Odhiambo, Michael Pak, Ross Prizzia, William Puette, Garry Roy, Thomas Scheiding, Jonathan Schwartz, Anita Tanner, Robyn Tasaka, Eli Tsukayama, Kirsten Vacca, Rouel Velasco, Peiyong Yu, Lisa Spencer, Ka’iu Akamine, Maenette Benham, Leslie Opulauoho, Alan Rosenfeld, Carrie Larger, Terri Ota, Lokelani Kenolio, Amy Nishimura, Camonia Graham-Tutt, Stefanie Wilson, Malie Moe, Hoku Kwan, Lynette Williamson, Carina Chernisky, Christy Mello, Megan Ross, Saili Lilomaiava-Doktor, Lea Kinikini, Cathy Ikeda, Jeff Moniz, Masahide Kato.

I. Opening Protocol

  1. Mele Honouliuli (Led by Nāulu Faculty)
  2. Land Acknowledgement

II. Approval of Faculty Senate Minutes

  1. Minutes of the May 6, 2022, Faculty Senate Meeting
    1. Circulated to Faculty Senate members.
    2. No corrections.  Approved as circulated.

III. Administrative Reports

  1. Office of the Chancellor (Chancellor Maenette Benham)
    1. Mahalo to Enrollment Management Team, Division Chairs, and Faculty.
    2. Final stages for new VC for Administration.
    3. Re-opening campus information
      1. Links and info regarding Reopening Campus
        1. Auxiliary Services website see:
        2. Campus Safety:
        3. Emergency Operations Plan (April 2020)
        4. Emergency Response Poster
        5. UHWO Interim COVID-19 Guidelines (Version 20 – Effective Aug. 22, 2022)
        6. Other important links:
          1. State of Hawaii – HIEMA see
          2. City & County of Honolulu DEM see
          3. National Weather service see
    4. September Special Event Flyer
    5. Survey administered by the Healthy Minds Network –
      1. Mental Health focused
      2. Two surveys: (1) students and (1) employees
      3. Oct-Nov 2022
      4. Report: June July 2023
      5. Why? Gather empirical data to make decisions about campus policies regarding health and wellbeing and receive funding to support counseling centers, activities, to uplift self, family, and communities, and to go to the legislature to ask for more positions to build core of psychologist, psychiatrist, and counseling personnel on campus.
    6. Pueo Data Fellows Program –
      1. Response to WASCUS report – Use of evidence-based data to make decisions on campus.
      2. Pilot – AY 2022-2023.
    7. UH Foundation – Fall Annual Appeal
  2. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs (Lokelani Kenolio and Leslie Opulauoho)
    1. Fall Enrollment – 2,936 students (3% reduction)
      1. Mahalo for participation in Fall enrollment events.
    2. Fall 2023 – New students recruitment – Call out to participate.
    3. E Ala Pono – Progress Update 1 and 2 (Fall 2022)
      1. Progress Update 1 (Week 3): September 6 – 12, 2022
        1. *Please complete by 9/12 11:55 pm
        2. Withdraw from courses with 50% refund and NO “W” grade – September 13
      2. Progress Update 2 (Week 7): October 10 – 19, 2022
        1. *Please complete by 10/19 11:55 pm
        2. Withdraw from courses with NO refund and a “W” grade – October 31
        3. Mahalo Instructor Participation during Spring 2022
          1. Faculty Participation – 45%
          2. Courses – 40%
    4. Fall Commencement
      1. Saturday, December 10, 2022
      2. UH West O’ahu Courtyard
      3. 9:00 am – 10:30 am
      4. More information and details to follow . . .
      5. Encourage students to submit their Graduation Application – Friday, September 23
  3. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs (Vice-Chancellor Jeff Moniz and Associate VCAA Alan Rosenfeld)
    1. Faculty Review Process
      1. Oct. 7, 2022 – Tenure and Promotion apps due.
      2. Sept 30, 2022 – DPC and FPC assignments established and exclusions due.
      3. Oct. 14, 2022 – Contract Renewal apps due.
    2. Contract Renewal Workshops
      1. 26 applications established in the portal.
      2. Live portal training August 26.
      3. Contract renewal portal training September 9.

IV. Faculty Senate Chairs Reports

  1. ASUHWO Update – President Malie Moe
    1. Request to promote ASUHWO and Student Life.
  2. FS Chair Report 
    • Election Results
    • Committee Kuleana / Responsibility
    • UBAC Report (Dr. K. Aumer, Dr. T. Scheiding)
      • Budget issues and concerns – look at strategic plan, mission, vision.
      • Budget initiatives – late October.
      • Current Academic year – budget looks ok.
      • Future Academic years – budget affected by funding (S397) – legislative funding.
    • ACCFSC Updates – No meeting thus far.
      • Sept. 9, 2022 @ 9am
    • BOR Updates – No meeting
    • Campus Updates
      • S Faculty Working Group Updates (Dr. Robyn Tasaka)
        • Drafting recommendations –
          • Specialty faculty classifications – Include in “F” general faculty classification being developed.
          • Examples – Instruction research and service – more diverse among different faculty.
          • Tenure and non-tenure track retain their status (not change status).
          • Faculty review – reviewers have necessary training to provide appropriate review.
          • Lack of employment security for non-tenured-track specialist.

V. Committee Reports (or Announcements)

Standing Committee Functions

  1. Academic Affairs and Planning – (Sen. Ross Prizzia) – No report 
    1. Meetings scheduled as needed.
  2. Budget and Resources – (Sen. Thomas Scheiding)
    1. Request for additional funding through BRC (system-level) – approved
      1. $100,000 budget.
  3. Curriculum – (Masahide Kato) – No report
    1. Requesting committee members.
  4. Distance Education – (Sen. Jonathan Schwartz) – No report
  5. General Education – (Cathy Ikeda, Megan Ross)
    1. For courses seeking new Focus designations effective Spring 2023 OR for courses that list FA22 as their renewal term for any of our Focus designations (ETH, HAP, OC, WI, SL) the deadline for submission in Kuali is Friday, September 9, 2022.
    2. For courses seeking new or renewal foundations and diversification designations effective  AY 2023-2024, the deadline for submission in Kuali is Friday, November 11, 2022.
    3. New and renewal Focus designations for Summer and Fall 2023, the deadline is February 10, 2023.
    4. Resources, a Gen Eds tips video and links to the master list and Kuali can be found on the WOA Gen Ed Comm Laulima Page available to all faculty.
  6. Program Review – (Sen. Stephanie Kamai) 
    1. More time needed to discuss and update the 7-year timetable for program reviews.
  7. Student Affairs – (Sen. Katie Landgraf) – No report.
  8. Sustainability – (Christy Mello or Alphie Garcia) 
    1. Student Sustainability F’22 Competition Announcement
      1. The Sustainability Committee is hosting a student sustainability pitch and present competition during Fall 2022 semester with the abstract portion of the applications due Oct. 19th 2022 and the video and narrative portions of the pitch due Nov. 4th 2022.
      2. Prizes will be available and the winning idea will become a sustainability initiative prioritized by the Sustainability Committee.
      3. Faculty are encouraged to incorporate this into their Fall courses as a project or for extra credit and/or circulate this opportunity with your students who can submit as individuals or in groups of their own making. 
    2. Kellog Grant Sustainability Titles – 2022 (*request list from Sustainability Committee)
      1. Last April, the Sustainability Committee reviewed and suggested building the Library’s collection of sustainability titles to support the curriculum and research of faculty and students.
      2. A mixture of highly reviewed physical (16) and eBook (47) titles were purchased using funds from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. 

VI. Announcements

  1. AY 22-23 Faculty Senate Dates:  9/2; 10/7; 11/4; 12/2 and 2/3 3/3; 4/7; 5/5

VII. Faculty Discussion in Executive Session (Time Permitting)

No motion to move to Executive Session.

Motion to convene Executive Committee to discuss compensation for committee chairs/Vice-chairs.

Meeting adjourned at 12:44 p.m.

Lisa Spencer, Vice Chair/Recorder.