Academic Records – Maintaining Status/Progress

West Oʻahu Policy & Procedure Chapter 7, Student Affairs
West Oʻahu Policy: WOP7.105 Academic Records – Maintaining Status/Progress
Effective Date: 01/15/2020
Prior Dates Amended: 07/2012
Responsible Office: Division of Student Affairs, Enrollment Services Section, Registrar's Office
Governing Board and/or Executive Policy: EP 6.204 – Student Financial Assistance Program
Review Date: 10/2022
  1. Purpose

    To set forth campus policy regarding the maintenance and status of academic progress for continued enrollment and degree completion at UH West O‘ahu.

  2. Definitions

    No WOP specific or unique definitions apply.

  3. West Oʻahu Policy & Procedures

    1. Academic Status and Progress
      1. Satisfactory Academic Progress – students are expected to maintain at least a 2.0 UH West O‘ahu cumulative GPA. Satisfactory academic progress is required for continued enrollment, and to maintain eligibility for financial aid and veterans’ benefits.
      2. Dean’s List – refers to students performing at a high academic level of achievement. To qualify in a semester, students must be enrolled in a minimum of nine UH West O‘ahu credits, and all classes must be completed at the end of the fall and spring term with a semester GPA of 3.75 or higher.
      3. Academic Warning – refers to students whose UH West O‘ahu semester GPA is less than 2.0, but UH West O‘ahu cumulative GPA is at least a 2.0. Although not on academic probation, students are highly encouraged to meet with a success advisor who can assist with academic planning.
    2. Academic Probation, Suspension, and Dismissal
      1. Academic Probation – refers to student status, when the students UH West O‘ahu cumulative GPA falls below a 2.0.
        1. Student will remain on academic probation until their cumulative GPA rises to 2.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale.
        2. Students on academic probation are required to clear their holds in order to register for classes.
      2. Academic Suspension – refers to a student status, when the student is on Academic Probation, and the current semester GPA is below a 2.0.
        1. Student will be suspended for the next semester – denied continued registration, administratively withdrawn from all classes they may have registered for in a future term at the University, and will not be eligible for readmission for at least one semester (fall or spring), not including summer session.
        2. Student will need to reapply for admission along with a letter of appeal to the Office of Admissions.
      3. Academic Dismissal – refers to a student status, when the student has been suspended, readmitted, and their current semester GPA is below a 2.0. Dismissed students may be readmitted on a case by case basis.
  4. Delegation of Authority

    Authority is delegated to the Director of Enrollment Services or Registrar.

  5. Contact Information

    Office of the Director of Enrollment Services or Registrar at telephone numbers 808-689-2900 or 808-689-2914 or by email at or

  6. References

    1. No specific federal and state laws, rules and/or regulations.
      Federal Student Aid – Basic Eligibility Criteria
    2. Executive Policy EP 6.204 – Student Financial Assistance Program
  7. Exhibits and Appendixes



Chancellor Maenette K.P. Benham
Approved as to Form