Submission of Course Syllabi

West Oʻahu Policy & Procedure Chapter 5, Academic Affairs
West Oʻahu Policy: WOP5.101 Submission of Course Syllabi
Effective Date: 01/02/2020
Prior Dates Amended: 10/2013, 10/2019
Responsible Office: Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Last Updated: 09/10/2021
Review Date: 10/2024
  1. Purpose

    To set forth policy regarding regular submissions of course syllabi to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, in accordance with a prior Faculty Senate resolution approved by the UH West O‘ahu administration.

  2. Definitions

    No policy specific or unique definitions apply.

  3. West Oʻahu Policy & Procedures

    Submission of Course Syllabi—Faculty members shall submit course syllabi for each class to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at the beginning of each academic semester. With the exception of accreditation purposes and to the extent possible, the VCAA and/or Chair of the respective academic division shall make every good faith effort to contact the author of the syllabus and secure permission before a syllabus can be disseminated.

  4. Delegation of Authority

    There is no policy or procedure specific delegation of authority.

  5. Contact Information

    Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, 689-2300.

  6. References

    UH West O‘ahu Faculty Senate Resolution #2013-8.

  7. Exhibits and Appendixes



Chancellor Maenette K.P. Benham
Approved as to Form