Program Review

A program review is a cyclical process for evaluating and continuously enhancing the quality of programs. According to University of Hawaii Executive Policy 5.202: “All degree/certificate programs that have been approved by the Board of Regents as continuing programs and all instructional areas that utilize substantial University resources are subject to review at a minimum of every seventh year.” The evaluation is conducted through a combination of self-evaluation, followed by external peer-evaluation. It is a comprehensive analysis of program quality, analyzing a wide variety of data about the division and its concentrations. The results of this evaluation process are then used to inform follow-up planning and budgeting processes at various levels in the institution—concentration, division, university—and incorporated into the institution’s overall quality assurance system. University of Hawai’i-West O’ahu’s program review occurs on a regular cycle of seven years: each division/certificate is reviewed every seven years.

Program review is a required element in the accreditation process. Institutions are expected to have processes that assure program currency, quality, and effectiveness. When implemented effectively and followed up deliberately, program review is a powerful means of engaging faculty in evaluating and improving programs in the university. The primary utility of program review is internal. It provides a structure to foster continuous improvement that is aligned with concentration, division, and institutional goals.

Program Review Handbook