With finals fast approaching, consider attending the No‘eau Center’s Cram Jam for helpful study sessions and free food like steamed gyoza and pork hash, from 3 to 7 p.m. on Wednesday, April 24, and Thursday, April 25, in B-203 at the James & Abigail Campbell Library.
Cram Jam provides students a space to study before their finals, with one-on-one walk-in tutoring appointments, group study sessions with peer tutors, and a space where instructors can host study sessions with their students.
The late hours offer students, who normally cannot attend tutoring sessions because of time conflicts, an opportunity to meet with a tutor. Peer-tutors will be ready to assist in the following areas:
- Writing
- Math 115
- BUSA 320
- Accounting
Students can schedule a tutor ahead of time or drop in for tutoring during the event.
On Thursday, April 25, there will also be a few instructor-led study sessions, including:
- ANTH 151 | F. Wun | Online | 3 to 4:30 p.m.
- GEOL 101L and GEOL 307 | S. Glancy | Online and E-135 | 4 to 7 p.m.
- MATH 103ML | E. Kobayashi | Online | 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Students can join via Zoom (bit.ly/noeaucenter) for all online study sessions and peer-tutoring.
Additionally, Cram Jam will feature the following:
- Free dinner, snacks, and desserts
- Both nights: instant ramen and assorted ice cream
- Wednesday, April 24: steamed gyoza and karaage chicken
- Thursday, April 25: deep-fried manapua and pork hash
- Brain-break activities, such as coloring books, origami making, and a sticker table
- Raffle giveaways announced each night at 4, 5, and 6 p.m.
“We know that studying for finals can be overwhelming and writing final papers can even cause some anxiety,” said Wendy Takahashi, Student Services Specialist. “We hope students can take advantage of the free tutoring available to them during our Cram Jam event.”
Takahashi continued, “We want students to know that tutoring isn’t just for someone who is ‘struggling’ but it can be a useful resource for anyone who may want extra feedback on their paper, or for students who need that extra boost of encouragement to know that they are on the right path. We hope that students can join us and enjoy each other’s company!”
Cram Jam is sponsored by the UH West O‘ahu Student Activity Fee Board. For students who would like to be part of the event but can only join online, check out No‘eau Center’s Discord by searching, “No‘eau Center Hub.”
Follow @noeaucenter on Instagram for more information and updates. For questions, email uhwowc@hawaii.edu or call 808-689-2750.