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New academic offerings to address workforce needs


Image courtesy of UHWO Communications Department

Heading into the fall semester, the University of Hawaiʻi–West Oʻahu introduces two new academic offerings — a concentration in Data Analytics and certificate in Long-Term Care — reinforcing its commitment to addressing workforce needs.

“These academic offerings meet our goal of preparing people for careers in growing areas of our economy,” said Jeffrey Moniz, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at UH West Oʻahu.

The additions bring UH West Oʻahu’s catalog to a total of nine degree programs, 46 concentrations, and 11 certificates.

Data Analytics is a new concentration in UH West Oʻahu’s Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration degree program and represents tremendous added value to the degree, Moniz said.

“Skilled data analysts are in demand as businesses increasingly rely on data analytics to inform their decisions,” Moniz said. “Professionals who are able to use data analytics should continue to be in high demand as more companies rely on big data and analytics technologies.”

The Data Analytics concentration provides students with a thorough understanding of the discipline from building an understanding of data governance and the ethical use of data, through understanding the data analytics workflow: beginning with identifying valid sources of data, the process of extract, transform, load (ETL), performing basic techniques in data analytics using common methodologies, and finally reporting including providing hands-on experience creating visualizations and communicating results for decision-making.

The new Long-Term Care certificate developed by UH West Oʻahu’s Public Administration Division has been getting a lot of buzz, Moniz noted.

“As a growing segment of our population ages, along with the fact that people are expected to live longer, the need for long-term care is becoming more urgent,” he said. “The certificate in Long-Term Care is an attractive option for those already working in health care who might be seeking to enhance their qualifications, or students might pursue it along with a bachelor’s degree.”

The certificate in Long-Term Care provides students and health care practitioners with a broad range of administrative skills and knowledge needed to work in this growing field.

“A noteworthy feature of the certificate in Long-Term Care that may be of interest is the fact that it’s available only via distance delivery,” Moniz added.

Image courtesy of UHWO Communications Department