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Mental Health Moment – Celebrate Your Accomplishments


Image courtesy of UHWO Staff

Clinical psychologists Dr. Steven Taketa and Dr. Analu Sing, with UH West Oʻahu’s Counseling Services, will offer weekly mental health tips to students, faculty, and staff to cope through COVID-19 and these trying times:

As the spring semester draws to an end, take the time to celebrate your many accomplishments. Celebrating your wins reinforces the positive attitude and behavior you want to have show up when you face a new challenge or opportunity, according to an article geared toward entrepreneurs from Many people spend a lot of time obsessing about the future, but often when we complete an important goal, we have been conditioned to quickly move on to the next goal rather than celebrating our wins. “When you don’t take the time to celebrate your many accomplishments, you have a high probability of burning out,” the article says. So celebrate!

Image courtesy of UHWO Staff