Senate Resolutions

AY 2022 – 2023

Date Details
2023-01 Budget and Resources Committee – Extending travel funds to APTs
2023-02 General Education Committee & Senator Smith – Option to award A+ final grade.
2023-03 Curriculum Committee, Distance Education Committee, and General Education Committee – Resolution Amendment (2018-11) regarding Submission Deadlines.
2023-04 Course Releases for Chair, Vice-Chair, and Committee Chairs.

AY 2021 – 2022

Date Details
2022-02 Change to the culminating agreement of the program review process to be called “action plan” rather than the historical practice of an “MOU”.
2022-04 Guidelines for managing Credit/No credit designations.
2022-05 Automatic Math Placement
2022-06 Gen Ed – Designations Course-Based
2022-07 Division Liaison on the UHWO FSPRC committee.
2022-08 Address parity between distance and in-person instructional modalities.

AY 2020 – 2021

Date Details
2020-11 Amendment to Article V of the UHWO Faculty Senate Charter adding a new section to authorize electronic meetings and new Special Rules of Order governing teleconferencing procedures. [September 16, 2020]
2020-12 Amendment to Article II, section 4 of the UHWO Faculty Senate Charter to allow Senator Lecturers the right to vote in elections of the Senate Chair and Vice Chair/Recorder [October 2, 2020]
2020-13 UH West O’ahu Administration’s consultation with Division Chairs, Faculty Senate, or appropriate faculty related to proposed budget plans.
2021-14 The purpose of this resolution is to update the Senior Project Guidelines (Items 5 and 7) Senior Practicum Guidelines (Items 3, 5, and 7).

For Senate Resolutions prior to January 2021, please visit Laulima.