Senate Resolutions for AY 2022 - 2023

2023-01: Resolved, That the UHWO Faculty Senate Budget and Resources Committee (BRC) will consider applications for research and research-based presentations, for full-time APT employees; and be it Resolved, That to be recommended to receive such funding, APT applications must meet the same criteria as faculty BRC applications, in accordance with the funding provided by the UH System Office of Research and Innovation; and be it Resolved, That APT applications will be considered after faculty applications in each...

2023-02: Resolved, That University of Hawaii – West Oahu (UHWO) Faculty Senate Resolution 2006-3 be amended to enable instructors the option to award the A+ final grade at their discretion; and be it  Resolved, The instructor faculty’s course syllabus is the defining document for what grades can be assigned in a particular section of a course, unless limited by the catalog language or division policy. Ordered, That the UHWO Registrar enable the option in the UH...

2023-03: Resolved, That Resolution 2018-11 of the University of Hawai‘i – West O‘ahu Faculty Senate be amended to read as attached. This resolution amends FS Resolution #2018-11. Effective Date: immediately upon approval of the UHWO Chancellor.

2023-04: Resolved, That the Faculty Senate Vice-Chair/Recorder be granted one course release/equivalencies per academic year; and Resolved, That the Chair or designee of the Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee be granted one course release/equivalencies per semester; and Resolved, That the Chair or designee of the Faculty Senate General Education Committee be granted one course release/ equivalencies per semester; and Resolved, That an additional course release/equivalencies per academic year that the Chair and Faculty Senate Executive Committee will assign at the end...