Senate Resolutions for AY 2021 - 2022

2022-02: Whereas the administration has requested that we change the culminating agreement of the program review process to be called an “action plan” rather than the historical practice of establishing an “MOU” to bring the process into compliance with the contract; Whereas, the program review process will be consistent with UH System Executive Policy 5.202, Section III, B. 3 which states that …Results are discussed with administration and an “action plan” prepared; Whereas, UHPA confirms that...

2022-04: Resolved, That the University of Hawai‘i – West O‘ahu CR/NC option must be declared by the student during registration, and that once declared, the declaration cannot be changed to letter grading after the last day of registration has passed; and be it Resolved, That the University of Hawai‘i – West O‘ahu CR designation denotes C (not C-) caliber work or better; and be it Resolved, That neither CR nor NC is computed in the University...

2022-05: Resolved, That University of Hawai‘i – West O‘ahu students upon meeting admission requirements earn direct placement into MATH 100 (3 credits), MATH 103M/MATH 103L (5 credits) and MATH 115M/MATH 115L (5 credits); and be it Resolved, That University of Hawai‘i – West O‘ahu students must continue to earn course placement to enroll directly MATH 103 (3 credits), MATH 115 (3 credits) or higher; and be it Resolved, That University of Hawai‘i – West O‘ahu Early...

2022-06: Effective Fall 2022. Resolved, That ETH, OC, SL, and HAP UHWO General Education Focus Designations shall be awarded as course-based; and be it Resolved, That at UHWO all such designations will be for 5 years in duration; and be it Resolved, That any instructor authorized to teach a course at UHWO with a course-based focus designation is recommended to consult any training, orientation, and/or materials provided by the focus designation subcommittees; and be it Resolved,...

2022-07: Resolved, That the UHWO Program Review Handbook 4th Ed. be amended to read as attached (underlined material to be inserted/added; bracketed material to be deleted) with these changes implemented immediately upon approval of the UHWO Chancellor.

2022-08: Resolved, That the UHWO Program Review Handbook 4th Ed. be amended to read as attached (underlined material to be inserted/added; bracketed material to be deleted) with these changes implemented immediately upon approval of the UHWO Chancellor.