Meeting Minutes
September 3, 2021

as approved October 1, 2021

The regular meeting of the UHWO Faculty Senate was held via Zoom Platform, chair Edward Keaunui presiding with the Vice-Chair Lisa Spencer, Recorder. FS Chair Keaunui called the meeting to order at 11:34am.

Kaiu Akamine, Katherine Aumer, Linda Axtell-Thompson, Bonnie Bittman, James Burrell, Rebecca Carino-Agustin, Joanne Chinen-Moore, Kealani Cook, Mary-Lindsey Correa, David Dinh, Alphie Garcia, Camonia Graham-Tutt, Mark Hanson, Joshua Lelemia Irvine, Kawena Komeiji, Katie Landgraf, Veny Liu, Brenda Machosky, Joy Mahiko, Joseph Mareko, Michael Miranda, Gloria Niles, Kealohi Perry, Ross Prizzia, William Puette, Rebecca Romine, Thomas Scheiding, Jonathan Schwartz, Anita Tanner, Robyn Tasaka, Eli Tsukayama, Kirsten Vacca, Rouel Velasco, Lynette Williamson, Peiyong (Patricia) Yu, Ed Keaunui, Lisa Spencer, Loea Akiona, Pokii Seto, Terri Ota, Stefanie Wilson, Stephanie Kamai, A-VCAA Alan Rosenfield, Garry Roy, Gabriel Navalta (ASUHWO), VCAA Jeff Moniz, Leslie Opulauoho, Bradley Ashburn, Carrie Larger, Chancellor Maenette Benham, VCSA Jan Javinar, Michael Hayes, Rian Barreras.

I. Opening Protocol

Mele Honouliuli – Led by J. Lelemia Irvine

II. Approval of Faculty Senate Minutes

Meeting Minutes – May 7, 2021

Circulated to Faculty Senate members.

Approved with changes.

III. Administrative Reports

  1. Office of the Chancellor (Chancellor Maenette Benham)
    1. Presentation slides
    2. Presentation slides with audio
    3. UHM/UHWO-MNHS – Engaging innovative technologies in the curriculum following the Hawaiian Voyaging Society sail around the Pacific over the next 4.5 years.
    4. Mahalo – Faculty teaching in-person/on-campus.
    5. Reminder – Check in to LumiSight – Show a green “go” screen. If no LumiSight, three verification stations – show vaccination card or negative test.
  2. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs (Interim Vice-Chancellor Jan Javinar)
    1. Mahalo
    2. Student Participation Verification – 9/8 – 9/17
      1. More information in UHWO Newsletter or email Student Affairs with questions
    3. E Ola Pono  – Early Alert – 9/7
      1. Student kudos or concerns
      2. Contact: Leslie Opulauoho or
    4. Enrollment Data
  3. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs (Vice-Chancellor Jeff Moniz)
    1. Mahalo
    2. Authorization to Plan – Certificate in Labor Studies – Approved by President Lassner
  4. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Administration 
    1. No report

IV. Faculty Senate Chairs Reports

  1. ASUHWO Update – President Gabriel “Gabby” Navalta
  2. FS Chair Report
    1. Welcome
    2. Elections and Committee assignments completed
      1. Questions – Contact Ed or Lisa
      2. No lecturer has expressed interest to represent on the FS
    3. ACCFSC retreat
      1. Search committee for nomination – Vice President for Academic Strategies
        1. If interested, link 
      2. Special committee to review the FS Charter and ByLaws
        1. Executive Session – October and November – Discussion of current charter and issues/changes
          1. Tentative Timeline – Fall 2021 and Spring 2022
  3. ACCFSC Updates – August 27th Retreat
  4. Kuali System Updates – Dr. Gloria Niles
    1. Kuali
      1. Major Change – Designation Form
        1. Gen Ed Focus or DE designation
      2. Streamline Workflow
      3. Courses must be approved before designation approval.
      4. Question 1.4 – Specific code to use (? icon)
      5. For more information: OPDAS Laulima Site
  5. General Education Redesign Summer Institute – Leslie Opulauoho 
    1. General Education Design Team Summary for ACCFSC (Aug. 27, 2021)
      1. 5 guiding principles
      2. Place-based inquiry model
      3. 20 capacity/competency areas
  6. FS Vice-chair announcements – FS Microsite
    1. Questions, comments, issues/problems –

V. Unfinished Business

  1. Resolution 2008-01 – Motion to postpone discussion, no action since last faculty senate meeting in May.
    1. April 2021 FS Meeting Notes:
      • Outdated Faculty Senate Resolution 2008-1
      • The Faculty Senate should not be initiating resolutions listing what the math requirements are for concentrations/programs. Each Division should decide what the math requirements are for their concentrations/programs.
      • Per William Puette (previous Parliamentarian) – Suggests rescinding Resolution 2008-1.
      • Discussion
        • Proposal for consideration – New Resolution (to be presented in May 2021) stating the responsibilities of Faculty Senate related to resolutions as opposed to rescinding Resolution 2008-1.
    2. No feedback from FS constituency at this time.  Will continue any discussions or considerations.

VI. New Business


VII. Committee Reports (or Announcements)

  1. Academic Affairs and Planning (Sen. Ross Prizzia) 
    1. Proposal and Resolution – October 2021 FS Meeting
      1. UHWO Syllabus Template
  2. Budget and Resources (Sen. Thomas Scheiding)
    1. $6K available
    2. No cost extension – 1st round of applications – Due 9/20/21 – Laulima
    3. BRC – Carry out duties assigned by charter
      1. Sabbatical – Survey (all faculty) – Experience
  3. Curriculum (Sen. Bradley Ashburn)
    1. Projects, goals:
      1. Improve communication with faculty
      2. Proactive approach to efficiencies and inefficiencies
        1. Assist with the workflow interface
        2. Increase transparency of how peer-review is conducted
        3. (living) Handbook
        4. Streamline Laulima site (Curriculum Committee)
  4. Distance Education (Sen. Jonathan Schwartz)
    1. Approve and ensure meeting requirements
  5. General Education (Michael Hayes)
    1. Review and approve course designation
    2. Focus designation deadline – Sept. 10
    3. Diversification and foundations deadline – Nov. 12
    4. GenEd Laulima Site – Hallmarks that need to be addressed in proposals.
    5. Changes – Subcommittees autonomous and report to GenEd.
      1. Chairs have authority to approve applications – communication with them – process.
    6. Applications are not approved until approved through FS.
    7. Upcoming Activities:
      1. Course based vs Instructor based Discussions
      2. Possibilities for GenEd based on System GenEd discussions
  6. Program Review (Sen. Stephanie Kamai)
    1. Finalize report for Social Science Division to submit to Division Chair and VCAA.
  7. Student Affairs (Sen. Kaiulani Akamine)
    1. Streamline process students once accepted – rigorous criteria
      1. Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)
      2. CLEP transfer designations
      3. Placement Policies – English, Math
        1. Autoplacement – Math – Temporary Memo
      4. Remote virtual access (students and faculty) – UHWO website – Connect with us.
  8. Sustainability (Christy Mello/Albie Miles)
    1. No report
  9. Student Academic Grievance Special Committee (Orlando Garcia-Santiago)
    1. Meeting 8/30/21 – Purpose, Formation, Charge, Concerns
      1. Sunset the committee and offer the other two options.

VIII. Announcements


IX. Faculty Discussion in Executive Session (time permitting)

Motion to move into Executive Session. Motion made and second.

Meeting adjourned at 12:57pm

Lisa Spencer (Vice Chair/Recorder)