Meeting Minutes
April 9, 2021

as approved May 7, 2021

The regular meeting of the UHWO Faculty Senate was held via Zoom Virtual Platform, chair Edward Keaunui presiding with the Vice-Chair Lisa Spencer, Recorder. FS Chair Keaunui called the meeting to order at 11:31a.m. 

Attendees: Brenda Machosky, Camonia Graham-Tutt, Carmen Nolte – Odhiambo, Eli Tsukayama, Gleniss Ka’iulani Akamine, Gloria Niles, Holly Itoga, James Burrell, Jayson Chun, Jon Magnussen, Jonathan Schwartz, Joshua Lelemia Irvine, Katie Landgraf, Kealani Cook, Ke’alohi Perry, Laurie James, Leslie Lopez, Lokelani Kenolio, Lynette Williamson, M. Kalikolani Correa, M. Takeshi Nakata, Mark Hopper, Michael Miranda, Michiko Joseph, Patricia Yu, Paula Major, Rebecca Carino, Rebecca Romine, Reed Young, Rian Barreras, Robyn Tasaka, Ross Prizzia, Rouel Velasco, Sarah Glancy, Stephanie Kamai, Susan Young, Thomas Scheiding, Veny Liu, Xochitl Mota-Black, Jeff Moniz, Sharla Hanaoka, Albie Miles, Terri Ota, Summer DeBruyne, Michael Hayes, Katherine Aumer, Canton Liang, Michael Furuto, Stefanie Wilson, Ed Keaunui, Lisa Spencer, Kevin Ishida, Leslie Opulauoho, Alan Rosenfeld, Maenette Benham, John Stanley

I. Opening Protocol

Mele Honouliuli – Led by Joshua Lelemia Irvine.

II. Approval of Faculty Senate Minutes

 Meeting Minutes 03-05-21

Circulated to Faculty Senate members. Approved as posted.

III. Administrative Reports

  1. Office of the Chancellor (Chancellor Maenette Benham)
    1. Mahalo – Contributors to the COVID-19 section of the UHWO Newsletter.
    2. Vaccinations – Not mandated but strongly encouraged.
    3. COVID-19 Protocols – washing hands, masking, social distancing continues.
      1. Gradual reopening of campus
      2. Closed to general public. Open to staff, students, faculty, and visitors (by arrangement).
      3. Courses are beginning to be offered on campus. Fall – 20% of courses will be face-to-face.
    4. Budget – State Legislature still in session.  Not sure what will happen with the budget.
      1. $2.7 million cut still on agenda – Not sure when the roll-out will occur or the plans.
      2. Mahalo to Dr. Kenolio and Dr. Rosenfeld (and teams) to increase admissions and growing enrollment – Fall 2021.
    5. CARES Act – Closing.  CRISA Act – Beginning.
      1. More information will be posted in weekly bulletins.
      2. Different processed for funding proposals and projects.
      3. Campus Federal Funding Advisory Council – FS representation (BRC-Katherine Aumer)
        1. Chancellor and Sheri Ching (Co-chairs)
        2. Any questions or concerns, contact Katherine Aumer.
    6. Announcements:
      1. 4/22/21 Webinar – Women’s Innovative Leadership
      2. Hawaii FoodBank Campaign
      3. Encourage participation – Drive-Thru Graduation
  2. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs
    1. Lokelani Kenolio
      1. Mahalo for participation – Transfer Orientation for Community College Students.
        1. 3% increase in registrations.
      2. Fall Enrollment – 4% increase in registrations.
      3. Saturday, 4/10/21, Partnership with the Hawaii FoodBank and Waianae Community Foundation
        1. Food Distribution – Old Kmart location in Kapolei.
      4. E Ola Pono – Online Health and Wellness Programming through Na’ulu Center
      5. Cram Jam – April 21 and 22, 2021
        1. Noeau Center – Tutoring
      6. Recruiting and Promoting – Summer Opportunities
    2. Leslie Opulauoho
      1. Spring 2021 – E Ala Pono Progress Updates
        1. Mahalo for participation in Progress Update 1 and 2 this past semester.
        2. Faculty will receive a link to an Evaluation Google Form.  Please complete and submit.
        1. SATURDAY, MAY 8, 2021
        2. Ceremony Online – 9am
        3. Drive-thru – 2 to 5 p.m.
        4. Spring 2021 Graduates invited to participate in Drive-Thru Celebration
          1. RSVP by Friday, April 16 at 5:00 pm
          2. Refer students to the UHWO Commencement website or they can email
          3. Faculty and Staff
            1. To support and to celebrate our graduates fill out this form today:
              1. The link includes the date, time, and general plan.
              2. Respond by: Friday, April 9, 2021 @ 5 p.m.
  3. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Administration (Vice-Chancellor Kevin Ishida)
    1. Certificate of Occupancy received for the Creative Media Building.
    2. Bookstore Renovations – End of July completion
      1. Ready by start of Fall
    3. Outdoor Learning Space – End of May completion
    4. Microsite – Projects, status, etc.
  4. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs
    1. No report from Vice-Chancellor Jeff Moniz
    2. Associate Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs Dr. Alan Rosenfeld and team – WSCUC Accreditation Presentation
      • UHWO Surveys
      • Town Hall – 11am – 12 noon (4/23/21)
        • Open to faculty, staff, and students
      • Contact Email:

IV. Faculty Senate Report

  1. ASUHWO Update – President Caton Liang (report)
  2. FS Chair Report
    1. University of Hawaii Board of Regents Meeting (link)
    2. ACCFSC Update – next meeting on April 16
      1. No meeting since last FS meeting.
    3. Elections
      1. May 2021 – Vice Chair – Faculty Senate – email for nominations.
      2. Constituency reorg, senators, and elections – PD Day (August 2021)
        1. Refer to Charter
      3. Lecturer positions elections – August 2021
    4. Exec Committee – Reinstatement of Tom Hirsbrunner – Parliamentarian
    5. Microsite Update – Ready Fall 2021
      1. Update previous FS Laulima site for Spring 2021.

V. New Business

  1. Outdated Faculty Senate Resolution 2008-1 
    1. Faculty Senate should not be initiating resolutions listing what the math requirements are for concentrations/programs. Each Division should decide what the math requirements are for their concentrations/programs.
    2. Per Bill Puette (previous Parliamentarian) – Suggests rescinding Resolution 2008-1.
    3. Discussion
      1. Proposal for consideration – New Resolution (to be presented in May 2021) stating the responsibilities of Faculty Senate related to resolutions as opposed to rescinding Resolution 2008-1.
  2. UH West Oʻahu’s applicants for UH General Education Curriculum Design Team
      1. No objections or comments on the list of applicants.
      2. Names submitted to the system for appointment (1-2 UHWO representatives)

VI. Committee Reports (or Announcements)

  1. Academic Affairs and Planning (Sen. Ross Prizzia) – No report.
  2. Budget and Resources (Sen. Brenda Machosky)
    1. Report provided
    2. Action – Appointed member to CARES Act Hui – Dr. Katherine Aumer.
      1. Email Dr. Aumer if you want notes to the meetings.
    3. Draft memo to Chancellor – Extend the use of conference funding from the system.
  3. Curriculum (Sen. Reed Young)
    1. Report provided
    2. No new applications can be submitted until August 2021 due to updates to the Kuali system.
    3. All current applications in the Kuali workflow must be completed ASAP.
    4. Recommendations approved and adopted.
  4. Distance Education (Sen. Jonathan Schwartz) – No report
  5. General Education (Michael Hayes) – No report
  6. Program Review (Sen. Stephanie Kamai) – No report
  7. Student Affairs (Sen. Kaiulani Akamine)
    1. Report provided
    2. Standard Operating Procedures for Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)
      1. Creative Media – Implementing PLA through Portfolios
      2. ASUHWO – PLA Resolution
      3. Star Balance Updates
      4. Noeau Center – Modified Hours
  8. Sustainability (Albie Miles) – No report
  9. Special Committee Report – Student Grievance Process (Dr. Leslie Lopez)
    1. Spring 2022 – Proposed Policy Revision completed.

VII. Announcements

  1. Law Club Society, Dr. Leslie Lopez
  2. CLEAR Event – Thank you for serving the community event.
  3. Compliance Hui 04/21 – Sexual Assault Awareness Event (Beverly Baligad)

VIII. Faculty Discussion in Executive Session (time permitting)

No motion.

Meeting Adjourned at 1:07pm.

Lisa Spencer (Vice Chair/Recorder)