2024 Title IX Training

In accordance with the new Title IX regulations published on April 29, 2024 [34 CFR Part 106, et seq.] the following training/materials were used to provide foundational information and to train Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers and individuals who assist with the Informal Resolution process on the basics of Title IX. 

2024 Title IX Regulations Training Sessions

To assist institutions of higher education working to comply with the 2024 Title IX rule, Thompson Coburn’s Higher Education Practice has created a free, online lecture series that provides foundational training for those individuals who will be administering the new Title IX process this fall, including Title IX coordinators, investigators, advisors, hearing officers, and appeal officers. The training must cover certain, specified concepts, and institutions must post any training materials they use to their external websites, making them available to the public. Thompson Coburn’s training series has been designed specifically to assist institutions with fulfilling these requirements.
On October 2, 2024, Thompson Coburn granted UH West Oahu permission to post the following four training series on our campus Title IX Training webpage. All UH West Oahu Title IX Coordinators, Investigators, Employee and Student Process Advisor, Decision Makers/Appeals Officers, and individuals involved with our Informal Resolution process were trained using these resources. 
Visit www.thompsoncoburn.com/TitleIXMaterials to find slide decks for each session.

Disclaimer: The information provided herein is intended for general purposes only and is not intended to be legal advice. The ethical rules of some states require us to identify this as attorney advertising material. The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements. Past results obtained on behalf of current firm clients afford no guarantee of future results. Every case is different and must be judged on its own merits.


Watch the UH West O‘ahu Compliance offices’ Consent video. Using a popular Hawaiian dish, the “loco moco” video attempts to show how an individual may give consent before sexual activity occurs.

Other available resources

The U.S. Department of Education has also provided Title IX regulation materials to help explain how Title IX promises equal access to education for all students and protection against discrimination on the basis of sex.